Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Girls XC Team Win New Haven Invitational

This past Saturday was yet another strong outing for the girls cross country team at the New Haven Invitational. The girls came out on top, beating the other 16 teams that also competed. The best finishers for the Raiders were Meghan Yencer, Brooke Penrod, Shelby Skidmore, and Chloe Maddox. They finished, in order, 6th, 16th, 18th, and 21st. I talked to senior Brooke Penrod and she was proud of the way the girls ran and expected the girls team to finish near the top. She also said that this was her favorite meet all season. The boys didn't favor as well, finishing 16th out of 20 teams that competed. The highest finisher for the boys was Nick "Dale" Childers, who finished 44th. When asked about the meet he said that he liked how the boys ran, and really thought that they were improving. The next meet is Tuesday against Woodlan. Dale believes that he is going to win.

See You At The Pole

Today was the nation wide SYATP. Students of the Jr. high and high school gathered out by the flagpole at 7:00 am to start the day out with a prayer. During SYATP, Meghan Yencer, Allison Blevins, Tori Wiese, William Sherman, Brooke Kratzer, and Autumn Stevens read Bible verses to the group. The students joined hands and prayed as a group. Then the grades broke off to pray about individuals or groups. They prayed for the students, the staff, the community, the churches, the athletes, the coaches, the clubs, and the academics.

Following the prayer circle, was a glorious breakfast made by Southern Wells Community Church. The food was amazing. We, as Southern Wells School, are very blessed to live in a great community, with people that care. Thank you to Cheris and Nick Miller and the Southern Wells Community Church for everything they do for us.  #NEVERSTOPPRAYING

Monday, September 29, 2014


This week marks the start of The Voice! This years coaches are Blake Shelton, Adam Lavine, Pharrell Williams and Gwen Stefani. The Voice has got off to a great start with alot of great performances. The next showing time for the Voice is Monday from 8 to 10 pm. For more information or to see previous performances go visit The Voice website HERE!!!!!. Be sure to tune in every Monday and Tuesday!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Another Great Win for the Girls XC team!

     On Tuesday, September 25, the boys and girls cross country teams traveled to Jay county to take on Jay County and Bluffton. The girls team was pretty confident coming into the meet and the results reflected that.
     The girls team came out strong yet again and ran faster than the other teams to secure yet another victory. They beat not only Jay County, but our local rival Bluffton. The girls team dominated the top 10 by having seniors Meghan Yencer, Shelby Skidmore, and Brooke Penrod finish first, fourth, and sixth place respectively. They were helped by Juniors Chloe Maddox and Tori Wiese who finished fifth and seventh. When asked about the meet, Brooke said that it went well but the runners were forced to run over a "giant  hill... that made us feel like dying." Despite this obsticle, overall the meet was very successful for the girls and will help them build momentum for the rest of the season.
     The boys on the other hand did not fare as well. They lost to both Jay County and Bluffton. The other teams had some really good runners who helped them push past our fellow Raiders. But despite this, our lead runners were Nick "Dale" Childers and Mason Stevens. But along with the girls team, the boys hope to continue to improve when they take on New Haven in their next meet.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Raiders Dominate Wes Del

The Raiders traveled to Wes Del to play the Warriors. The Raiders looked to continue their win streak. The Raiders came out very strong on offense and defense. In the first quarter the Raiders had some good drives but also had some costly turnovers. The Raiders ended the first quarter winning 7-0. In the second quarter the Raiders defense had some big plays including two interceptions returned for touchdowns by Landon Cassiday and Brad Woodward. Wes Del had no answer for the Raiders at all in the first half. The Raiders were able to score two more touchdowns in the first half ran in by Jake Roush and Gavin Barcus. The Raiders went into halftime completely controlling the game 27-0. After the half the Raiders continued right where they left off. The Raiders ran the ball all over the Warriors. Daniel Beeks led the Raiders in yards the second half with 92 yards and also added two touchdowns on the night. Going into the fourth quarter the Raiders led by a score of 33-6. In the fourth quarter the Raiders respectfully pulled the starters and brought in the junior varsity. The JV also had a very good night with freshman Kane Moore rushing for 50 yards and two touchdowns. The Raiders ended the night winning 52-6. The Raiders offense and defense both played very good games. The Raiders defense only gave up 56 yards on the night. The offensive player of the game was Daniel Beeks, the defensive player of the game was Brad Woodward, and the overall player of the game was Landon Cassiday.

Stat Leaders
Daniel Beeks- 92 yards
Jake Roush- 68 yards
Kane Moore- 50

Landon Cassiday- 9 tackles
Gavin Barcus- 8 tackles
Daniel Beeks-5 tackles
Paul Renner- 5 tackles

Brad Woodward- 2
Landon Cassiday- 1

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Student Of The Week!! (Bryce Bonewit)

1.) Which do you prefer books or movies? "Movies fo sho"

2.) Whats your favorite subject? "I am a big math nerd"

3.) Who is your favorite teacher ad why? "Mr.Burman because he has so much swag"

4.) How do you feel about going to school in a circle? "I get pretty dizzy after walking around it a couple times"

5.) On Monday do you wear jeans or sweats? "Way to lazy to wear jeans on a monday"

6.) Whats your middle name? "Lee"

7.) If you could go anywhere, where would it be and why? "Lucas Oil Stadium to play in the state championship game because that has always been a dream of mine"

8.) Whos your celebrity crush? "Ben Burman"

Lady Raiders Place Second in Canterbury Tournament

On Saturday, September 21, the Lady Raiders had a successful tournament placing second at Canterbury High School in Fort Wayne. The Raiders defeated South Side High School 25-20 in the first game and 25-7 in the second. The Raiders also defeated the host team, Canterbury, 25-13 and 25-12. In the championship game, the Raiders were once again defeated by the Bluffton Tigers.

In total stats, the Lady Raiders were lead by Allison Blevins with 11, Megan Horton 8, Arrianne Moore 6, Savannah Deakyne 5, Megan Fiechter 3, Alexis Collins 2, and Bailey Kohr 1. With blocks, Blevins had 6, Moore 4, Horton 3, Deakyne 1. Fiechter had 23 assists. Sydnee Jones lead in aces with 4, Deakyne 3, Blevins 2.

The Raiders are back in action against the Jay County Patriots on Tuesday, September 30th.

Biology's Bug Feast!

     On Tuesday, September 24th, Mr. Butler's Dual Credit Advanced Biology class prepared some delicious bugs to eat. Some of the bugs that were eaten include: scorpions, giant centipedes, mealworms, and crickets. Some of the dishes that were quickly prepared by the students were, chocolate chip cookies with mealworms, stir fry, and chocolate "chirp" muffins that had tasty little crickets in them. Once the meals were prepared and beautifully placed, the students and a local study hall class came in and bravely ate the assorted meals. Most students were not too fond of the flavors, but most did enjoy the experience. The lab was not only just for fun, but it did reinforce Mr. Butler's discussion about proteins and chitin. Overall the students had a lot of fun and can now say that they've eaten assorted bugs. 

Teacher Of the Week-Mr.Fouts

1. Tell us about yourself (birthday, family, previous jobs, hobbies etc.)
-birthday was a long time ago. Fouts used to be a jailer dispatch.

2. What do you like about Southern Wells?
- small school environment.

3. What is your favorite part of your job?
- the people I work with and being around young people.

4. girlled cheese or cheese toastie?
-cheese sandwich

5. craziest thing to ever happen during school?
-student went into labor during class.

6. what 3 items would you bring on an island?
- tackle box, rod & reel, & fillet knife.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Street Fair Review

As street fair came to a close we took the opportunity of asking Southern Wells students about the street fair itself.

Jamie Howell, Thomas Biddle,Lisa Cambell,and  Austin Cochran said that they like to ride the rides of the street fair
Kristen Roupp,Reece Hasinbiller, Haley Howell, Mckenna Elzroth, and Mason Taylor said that they loved the street fair food.
Xavier Walden said that he like the fun of hanging out with his friends during the street fair week.
Mr. Stauffer said that he loved working at the music boosters booth during his days at the street fair.

We took a tally of what rides the students like the most.Six people said they liked to ride the Freak out. Two said the 1001 Notches. One said the Zipper and Drop Zone.

As we all know the Fair food smells and taste delicious.
Austin said he like the Cotton Candy.
Mckenna said the Elephant ear.
Haley said the Ice Cream.
Stauffer said the Fish Sandwich.
Others said the Pizza, Pretzel, and Funnel Cake.

If you could add 1 thing to street fair what would it be?
Haley Howell said that she would want to add Jami Ballenger.
Mckenna said she would add more roller coasters.
Austin said he would add a lot more places to wash your hands.
Mason said the Giant Hot Dogs, and Parking lots.
Stauffer said a lot more free shows during the week.

As we asked the questions we figured out everyone had a great and fun time during the street fair week. Coming from me I wished it wouldn't end.

Lady Raiders Raise Awareness for a Great Cause!

On Thursday, September 18th, the Lady Raider Volleyball sponsored the third annual "Pink Out" for breast cancer awareness. In the spirit of raising awareness, there were booths set up from Bluffton Regional Medical center and Parkview Hospital out of Fort Wayne giving away free information about cancer, free items, and even a free mammogram. Many items were donated by local business to raffle off such as floral arrangements donated by The Posy Room out of Montpellier, Amazon gift cards, and iTunes gift cards. A fifty/fifty raffle also took place.

The Raiders took on the Bluffton Tigers on  Thursday's game. The Lady Raiders came out strong with a 7-1 lead. The Tigers quickly retaliated with a 14 point scoring run and ended up beating the Raiders 25-13. The Raiders fought back in game two and won 26-24. However, the Raider couldn't pull out the win, losing the next two games 23-25 and 18-25.

The Raiders were lead in kills by Allison Blevins with 6, Arrianne Moore followed with 5, Savannah Deakyne 4, Megan Horton 3, and Megan Fiechter 2. Blevins had 4 blocks, Moore 3, and Lela Knowles 1. Bailey Kohr and Blevins had 1 ace. Knowles lead in digs with 10, followed Megan Fiechter and Deakyne with 6, Blevins 5, Kohr and Horton 3, Sydnee Jones and Moore each had 1. Fiechter had 15 assists, Jones and Blevins each had one.

Even though the evening's game didn't go the way the Raiders wanted, they still feel they had a successful night by raising awareness for a great cause. Senior Bailey Kohr had this to say about the pink out game:
" I love the pink out game every year because we have so much fun and we love playing for a good cause, This year we were raising money for someone close to the team. All the money stayed local. We had such a successful pink out game. Thank you to all of our sponsors there talking and helping raise awareness."

Advanced Art Murals

Last Friday before the homecoming football game Mrs. Walters' Advanced Art classes went outside in the chilly fall weather and painted their sidewalk murals. The murals were supposed to convey a message that had a purpose to everyone walking past them. They were all very nicely done and all of the art skill shown represented our school in a very positive way.  Check out a few pictures below.  


Friday, September 19, 2014

Golf time on Thursday Night

The golf team on Thursday had a team score of 202. Leading the team in scores was sophomore Chloe  Elam with a 48, followed by sophomore Rachel Harvey with a 52,  senior Jordyn Sills with a 53, and senior Jasmine Gearheart with a 54. I interviewed Chloe Elam about how golf was going this year. She said  it has been a winning season. I asked her about how her individual season has been. Her response was  it's either been good or really bad. I asked what was best score you had all season long . She said that  this  was match was my best score of the season. The golf team's next match is on Saturday which will be sectional.


Today Chandler Gerber visited Southern Wells High School on Friday September 19. He walked us through his experiences of trying to cope with the pain of hitting and killing three children in an amish buggy while he was texting and driving. He spoke of how hard is to go through being responsible for the deaths of 3 children. Before he got into the accident with the buggy he had been in another accident where a driver ran a red light and hit him directly, causing minor memory loss. He said the most important thing in life is forgiveness, forgiveness will go a long way as to making your life a lot happier. Secondly do not text and drive because your life can be flipped upside down or even lost in an instant. All of the Southern Wells Students did a tremendous job in being quiet and giving all their attention to Mr. Gerber. GOOD JOB RAIDERS.

This is the documentary that features Chandler's story.  Chandler's segment begins at the 6:45 mark.

Student of the week- Nick Gatto

This week, for Student of the week, Nick Gatto has been chosen! Nick's middle name is David, and there are many other interesting things that go into Nick being who he is. For instance, Nick prefers to watch movies rather than read books. When asked who his favorite superhero was Nick promptly responded with spiderman. Too bad Spider Man isn't an avenger. One prominent thing about Southern Wells is that the school is basically a giant circle, Nick said he liked going to school in a circle, because it is easier to travel to classes. When responding to the questions what is your favorite subject and if you could go anywhere, where would it be and why, I believe his answers go hand in hand. Nick said his favorite subject was art, and that he would go to Japan because he was curious about their culture. Come to find out, Nick's celebrity crush is Emma Stone.Nick's favorite teacher is Mr. Roush because Mr. Roush has humor when it comes to English. Also, Nick prefers to wear jeans rather than sweatpants on monday, and his dream job is to become a graphic novelist. These are just a few facts about our student of the week this week Nick Gatto, be sure to give him a high-five if you pass him in the halls

The Bluffton Street Fair

The Annual Bluffton Street fair was entertaining and expensive like always. The smell of fried foods and lemon shake-ups pollute the air. The sound of carnies trying to con money from your wallet is definitely heard. Thursday night was a parade, and the dance school from Ossian showed off their skills. Terry Culbertson from Southern Wells was with the dance school. All around the street fair Raiders could be seen having a good time.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Southern Wells Music Booster Booth at The Bluffton Street Fair

The Southern Wells Music Booster Booth is where the Choir, Band, and In-Harmony students raise money to pay for new music,new equipment,and for our competition at Kings Island.

People all over from the Southern Wells area comes to enjoy our famous taco salad and Chicken Noodle soup.

Thanks to Kelli Schriver and Tracey Hughes for all the effort they put into the booth.

The Choir and Band of Southern Wells Volunteers the time to help run the booth.

The Booth opens at 11:30 to 10:00. (Tuesday-Saturday)

Come visit us and help support SW Music!!!

Shanda Miller after making the famous taco salad.

7th and 8th Grade Football Fall to East Jay

        The 7th and 8th grade football teams lost Tuesday night to the East Jay Chiefs. The 7th grade Raiders played a hard fought game, with a score from Xavier Walden.  The Raiders fought hard, but came up short, 25-8. The 8th grade game, however, was much closer, and was neck and neck the entire game. Coleman Beeks led the team in scores, with 2 TD and two 2 point conversions. As the 4th quarter approached, the score was tied at 16, with the Raiders in possession. They had a quick drive, resulting in a turnover in 4th down. The Chiefs marched down the field, and scored with  Mason Huffman added a score, giving the Chiefs only a 2 point lead. The Raiders attempted a 2 point conversion to tie it up, but the were stopped short of the goal line. The Raiders attempted an onside kick to regain position, but Chiefs recovered with 4 minutes left. The Raiders defense came out strong, with 3 straight tackles in the backfield, so the Chiefs attempted to pass, but it was intercepted by Mason Huffman. The Raiders moved the ball, but was stopped short on 4th down, the final score was 24-22.

Painter- teacher of the week!!!

Teacher of the Week!!!- Painter
This week the teacher of the week is Mr. Painter. We got the chance to ask him a few questions about himself.

Tell us about yourself!
He was born Jan. 14, 1983; Married to Courtney with 2 boys Bryson (4 yrs) & Carter (1 yr).Previously a Technology Facilitator at Overton Elementary in Salisbury, NC.Also taught social studies for 7 years at Salisbury High School in Salisbury, NC.Have coached Baseball, Football, and Volleyball. Enjoy watching Football and Baseball, spending time with family, & serving at Church.

What do you like about Southern Wells?Small school, Blue Collar Values, & the people

What is your favorite part of your job?Being in class getting to know students

If you were animal, what would you be?A spoiled house dog

Grilled Cheese or cheese toastie?Grilled cheese

What is the craziest thing that has happened to you on the job?Too many to list… I have lots of good stories…. Just ask….

If you’re stranded on an island, what 3 items would you bring with you and why?An iPhone… They could use the Find My iPhone app to locate me
Lighter to build a fire….. I get cold when I sleep
Fishing rod…. I really like to eat fish and really enjoy fishing.


This past Tuesday, September the 16th, the Cross Country team had a tough home meet against Leo and Adams Central. I spoke with Meghan Yencer on the girls side, and with Nick "Dale" Childers on the boys team. The girls team finished second losing to Leo, but more importantly beating Adams Central. Yencer, who finished 2nd overall, said that weather conditions were perfect for running. She said that overall the girls did well, and she liked how everyone ran. The boys didn't favor as well as the girls team, finishing last behind Leo and AC. The best finisher was Dale, who finished 10th overall. Dale said that the boys ran well, and agreed with Meghan that the weather was great for running. Their next meet is this Saturday at South Adams.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Girl's Golf Senior Night!

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014, the girls golf team hosted Jay County and Blackford. The match was much anticipated by all teams, but Southern Wells thought they would come out with a victory. The match was held at the Dogwood golf course in Warren. It was senior night for the ladies and the seniors of the night were Jasmine Gearheart and Jordyn Sills.
     The match went well, and the girls had a lot of fun. The top golfers of the night were seniors Jasmine Gearheart who finished with a 51, and Jordyn Sills with a 52, followed by sophomore Chloe Elam who had a 54. These scores helped push the girls team past both Jay County and Blackford! Needless to say, it was a successful senior night for the ladies. The whole team had a wonderful celebratory feasting at the local East of Chicago. As Jasmine looks back at the outing, so far, it was the most fun they've had at a match this year.


The Campus Life Fam had a messy night. Going around to people's houses asking for a donation to Campus Life in exchange for an egg being smashed on to the CL kids. Some people were sympathetic enough to just donate, without an egg. The stunts with the eggs got pretty intense. People had to smash eggs on their heads, had to smash an egg in between their foreheads, had to sit on eggs, had to smash eggs in their shirts, someone had to bite into an egg, and some people were used as target practice. Kids came back to the barn as a total mess.
Overall CL made 1270 dollars. Meghan Yencer, Briar Beeks, Houston Lovell, and Mason Stevens raised the most money out of all the groups. They raised 440 dollars. Everyone finished the night messy cold and happy. Everyone left laughing and smiling. The Egg-n-Begg was a big success.
The Campus Life is having their annual fundraising banquet Tuesday, November 11 at 6:30 in the High School Cafeteria. Also the Campus Life will be meeting Monday 7:17. Location is TBD.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

C-Team Raiders Shutout Jay County

      The C-Team football team defeated the Jay County Patriots last night, 28-0. The Raiders started out strong, scoring 14 points in the first quarter, with touchdowns from Kane Moore and Cody Bass. The second quarter wasn't as strong, but strong enough, getting the team to a 20-0 lead, with a touchdown by Braxton Gerber. The second half was focused on the defense, trying to get the shutout. While doing so, Gerber put up another touchdown to put the Raiders up 28-0.  Kane Moore led the Raider's offense with 190 rushing yards on 13 carries, averaging 14.6 yards a carry. Moore received Offensive and Overall Player of the Game, and Elijah Barkell received Defensive Player of the Game.

Stat Leaders

Kane Moore- 190 yards, 1 TD
Cameron Cook- 39 yards
Braxton Gerber- 30 yards, 2 TD
Cody Bass- 37 yards, 1 TD

Kane Moore- 12, 2 for loss
Cameron Cook- 7, 1.5 for loss
Cody Bass- 6
Elijah Barkell- 3, 1 for loss

Braxton Gerber- 1 Forced fumble, 1 Recovered fumble
Kane Moore- 1 Forced fumble
Koby Galloway- 1 Recovered fumble

Raiders Win On Homecoming

The Raiders came out on homecoming night fired up. The Raiders started out with a great kickoff return from senior captain Daniel Beeks to give the Raiders great field position. Junior Bryce Bonewit completed the quick drive with a couple of long runs to give the Raiders a quick 6-0 lead. The Raiders great play continued on defense as they got the ball back in no time. Bryce Bonewit drove the Raiders down for another touchdown giving the Raiders a 14-0 lead to finish the first quarter. The second quarter started out much like the first quarter ended. The Raiders got the ball back and senior Jake Roush scored to give the Raiders a 20-0 lead. The Panthers finally woke up and answered the Raiders as they got a score to give make the score 20-7. The Raiders tried to get another score before the half but a fumble on the four yard line gave the Panthers one last chance before the half. The Panthers drove down field very quickly with a few good passes. With time running out the Panthers made a very impressive 40 yard field goal to cut the Raiders lead in half. The Raiders went into half time leading 20-10. After the break the Panthers threw the first punch scoring again to make the score 20-17. On offense the Raiders put a good drive together with Daniel Beeks finishing it off with a touchdown giving the Raiders a little more breathing room with an 11 point lead. As the fourth quarter started the Panthers were driving once again trying to get back into the game. As the Panthers were getting close to scoring the Raiders Landon Cassiday intercepted a pass. The Raiders kept the ball for the rest of the game to give the Raiders their third win of the season. Bryce Bonewit was given the offensive player of the game, Daniel Beeks was given the defensive player of the game, and Landon Cassiday was given the overall player of the game.

Stat Leaders

Bryce Bonewit- 9 yards

Bryce Bonewit- 129 yards
Jake Roush- 104 yards
Daniel Beeks- 80 yards

Jake Roush- 9 yards

Daniel Beeks- 9 tackles
Landon Cassiday- 7 tackles
Gavin Barcus- 6 tackles

Monday, September 15, 2014

Pink Out!

The Southern Wells Volleyball team is hosting the third annual Pink Out game on Thursday, September 18th. This game will benefit the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer and a select family in the Southern Wells community. Junior Varsity will start at 6 pm and Varsity will immediately follow. The Lady Raiders will face the Bluffton Lady Tigers in their third conference game.

Tee shirts will go on sale for $10 this Tuesday during lunch and will continue until supplies run out. There will also be a bake sale during Thursday's events. Games will be taking place in between each set with prizes for the winners. We encourage everyone to come out and support your Lady Raiders and a great cause!


On the Homecoming football game Friday night was pretty exciting. During halftime of the game the nominees were announced. For seventh grade the winners were Rex Batten and Juniper Tucker. 8th grade was Aubrie Leas and Mason Huff. Freshman winners were Kane Moore and Danielle Kratzer. Sophomores were Evan Huffman and Tori Fate. Juniors were Sydney Jones and Bryce Bonewit. The Senior king and queen went to Drew Rockwell and Shelby Skidmore.

After a Tremendous night at the game the dance broke loose. The amazing Kelly Roush was the DJ of the night. The cafeteria was dark with strobe lights lighting up the dance floor. There was all kind of genres of music playing. Like the cupid shuffle, cha cha slide, bang bang, apple bottom jeans, and more. The highlight of the night is when everyone made a big circle and Brandon White did his famous break dancing to his favorite song paranorma. When Kelly played “Do The Stinky Leg” Everyone was doing the stinky leg. It was a dance no one could stop themselves from doing. Jake Roush was doing the best stinky leg in the dance that night. All the high school had the best dance EVER that night. Everyone was having the best night after the Raiders big win at the game. I think nobody wanted the celebration to end at 11. After the lights came on you saw sweat running down everyone's faces.

South Adams XC Meet!

     On Tuesday September 9, 2014, the boys and girls cross country teams drove up to South Adams for their first meet. It put Southern Wells against South Adams and Heritage. The teams had confidence coming to the meet because of months of hard practice. The teams were very excited to see how they would compare to the other teams and hopefully come out with the win.
     The girls team beat Heritage, but sadly lost to South Adams by 10 points. They were lead by seniors Meghan Yencer and  Shelby Skidmore, followed by sophomore Lindsay Aker. They finished 3rd, 6th, and 8th respectively. When asked how the meet went, Shelby said, "It went really well, and was a great way to start off our season."
     The boys team had a tougher time, and lost to Heritage and South Adams. They were led by Nick Childers, . When asked how the meet went,

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Southern Wells vs. South Adams

The Lady Raiders volleyball team traveled to South Adams Tuesday night (September 9) for one of their conference games. The raiders started off the game on top. The intensity was off the charts! They smashed the starfires in the first two games 25-21 and 25-23. Going into the third game they thought it was going to be a sweep. The game was so intense and the raiders lead the game down until the final few points. They were ahead 24-22 and let the starfires come back. After a few hard rallies between the teams the score was 24-24. Volleyball is a win-by-two sport. So, raiders are receiving the serve and Deakyne gets a great pass to Fiechter. Fiechter sets Deakyne back row and the ball comes just short of the net. Now it is 24-25. Another great pass to the setter and Blevins has a great middle attack. The attack was blocked by two starfire front row players, and the ball falls in front of the ten foot line in front of the Raiders. The final score of the third game was a heart crushing 24-26, so on to game 4 it was. Our morale going into the 4th game was low we thought we had that conference game win in the bag and we just blew it. The lady raiders played the fourth game with their heads hung low. They still tried their hardest though. They ended up losing the fourth game 21-25. So, on to set five it was. This set is just a quick game to 15, so you have to bring all you've got early and score the points and beat them to 15. We let the Starfires go on a run for awhile and they scored a lot of points. The raiders dug themselves into a small hole and it was hard to get out. They fought back hard though and brought the game in close. However, the lady raiders lost that day 11-15 to the South Adams Starfires. After a long fought game of 5 sets this is what Coach Blevins had to say:

"Tonight I thought we came out with great intensity. We were moving well in transition and our passing was pretty good. We took games 1 and 2 and was feeling pretty good about ourselves, then game 3 came along and we did not respond to their change in tempo."

"We became a team that was trying not to lose as opposed to a team that needed to finish the job and win game 3. I learned a lot about our team tonight and who we are and what we need to work on"

Here are your game stats:

Game 1: SW 25 SA 21
Game 2: SW 25 SA 23
Game 3: SW 24 SA 26
Game 4: SW 21 SA 25
Game 5: SW 11 SA 15

Kills: Moore 10, Blevins 8, Horton 5, Deakyne 4, Knowles;Fiechter 2, Collins 1
Blocks: Deakyne;Blevins 3, Moore 2
Digs: Deakyne 17, Knowles 15, Fiechter 9, Kohr 7, Jones 6, Blevins 5, Moore 3, Collins;Zoda 2
Assists: Fiechter 26, Jones 2, Deakyne;Moore;Blevins 1

Raiders 2-12, 0-1 Conference
Next up for the Raiders... Adams Central at Monroe, IN Thursday September 11, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Golf results

On Thursday the Southern Wells  girls golf team had a score of 274.  They lost to a good Canterbury team at Chestnut Hill. The lowest individual performance was Minnear followed by Sills  52, Gearheart 56, Johnson 57, and Elam 60.  Jasmine and Elam said it was a bad day for the whole team. Jordyn said the wind was a big time impact on how both teams played. They next match will be on senior night which is tuesday.


Throwback Thursday is a day to dress back to the old days, yesterday, or way way back. Some people look funny the way they all dress. I asked some people why they liked to dress up most of them said that they just like to dress up. Like the wacky hair, the funny clothes. Jimmy Mcqueary said that he likes to see all the weird and funny kids dress up.
Evan Huffman
Pierce, Koby , Thomas ,
Ashley, Nichole, Parker 

Mrs. Hedden

Kyle, and Camryn

Josh, Taylor, Tess.

Wesley, Jessica, Jada, Jami

Jason, Juniper, Rj, Lisa,Jenna
Kane Moore

Reece, Brandon
Mrs. Aker, Oswalt, Bieberstein.
Jake, Shelby

Golf results

 The girls golf team on Monday won against Adam Central and Bluffton.  The team posted a 198 which is one of the best scores they have had in a couple of years. In the individual scores  lead them with a 46. followed by Gearheart 49, Sills 51, Elam 52 and Rachel 55.  I interviewed Jasmine Gearheart on Monday's match on how the season has  been going so far.

The first question I asked Jasmine was how the season's been as a team?
Response: It's been okay we have done good as a team

What do you do at practice every day?
Response: We putt and chip then we play 5 to 6 holes before we leave to go home.

What is your best score this season and overall as a southern wells girls golfer?
Response: My best score this season is a 49 and, my lowest ever is a 43 as a Southern Wells girls golfer.

The last question was how will thursday match go?
Response: It will be a challenge we play Canterbury. They're really good.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Cheese Toastie vs. Grilled Cheese

There has been a huge debate over where it is called a Cheese Toastie or a Grilled Cheese. Personally, I believe it's a Cheese Toastie. I mean, you don't grill bread. Cooked bread is toast, not grilled bread. The only possible argument that you could make is it is a grilled cheese sandwich because you can't grill cheese it simply shrivels up and is no longer cheese, just a pile of crust. Also, the term "Toastie" comes from Britain, and, Britain, has been around longer than the United States. Therefore, Cheese Toastie is the original, more political term than Grilled Cheese.

Rockwell has provided his side, the Grilled Cheese.
The reason is I think this is because you put it in a pan or  on a George foreman. The reason not to call it a cheese toastie is cause you don't toast the bread. Yes you toast bread on but, you do not when it comes to making cheese and bread. This is what I call a grilled cheese. One other reason is in our area that is what it is called. Another reason is the simple it taste better when you grill it. Now you can toast it but, you are suppose to grill it, I hope you agree with my option but if you don’t that is ok.

Not the MLB, But Pretty Close

The softball team started a new school year with a new idea. They decided to have a high school vs elementary staff slowpitch softball game. All proceeds went towards the girls softball program.
The game was more than just the staff members playing, as high school and elementary students got involved by playing quick games in between every other inning. The students had to spin around with a bat to their forehead and then run and tag their partner. The partner followed by doing the exact same thing. A couple innings later another group of students had to throw a ball and hit a bucket off a chair. They had 3 attempts. The students seemed to enjoy getting involved.
As the teams battled to the death, the high school pulled out a win of 9 to 3. Mr. Penrod was the only staff member to hit a homerun. Some slides and dives were attempted. Catches were made, people were walked, balls were dropped, and outs were completed. None of the staff walked away with any life threatening injuries, only minor sore muscles, scraps, and bruises.
The rumor has it, that the softball was a big hit. Parents look forward to more staff softball games in the future.

Student of the Week- Sadie Lee

What do you like to do in your spare time?
She is involved in FCCLA,Concessions and Campus Life

Who is your favorite teacher?
"I like all my teachers, I don't have a favorite"

What is your middle name?

Do you have any brother/sisters?
 Yes,I have a sister in 8th grade

What do you like most about school?
 "I love being in FCCLA"

Wacky Wednesday

To the left is a bob marley/bikini wearing child. To the right proves that out here in SW we are a one horse town.

Wacky Wednesday was a huge success and below we have some of our wacky hall of famers.

C-Team Game

The C- Team game was exciting and had you guessing until the end. The Southern Wells boys faced the Monroe Central Bears. At the half the score was 0- 12 with bears leading. Unfortunately the C- team lost 6-32. Kane Moore was the only player to make the touchdown for Southern Wells in the third quarter. Cameron Cook had the most rushing yards of the night. The boys played their hardest the second half but it just wasn't enough to win.

Kane Moore-1

Teacher of the Week!- Mrs. Jackson

Tell us about yourself! (ie. Birthday, family, previous jobs, hobbies, etc.)
My birthday is in February. I am married. I raise pygmy goats, which I have over 20 in my herd. I went to Ball State University and played lacrosse. I enjoy sports, gardening/flowers and spending time with family.

What do you like about Southern Wells?
The staff and students.

What is your favorite part of your job?
Being around all the students and staff.

If you were animal, what would you be?

Grilled Cheese or cheese toastie?
Toasted cheese sandwich

What is the craziest thing that has happened to you on the job?
Got kicked in the face breaking up a fight when I first started teaching.

If you stranded on a island, what 3 items would you bring with you and why?
matches-to light fires
knife-used for a lot of different things
bolt of fabric-different uses

Meet the Hub

Have you been wondering who exactly produces The Hub every week?  Check out the video introducing the staff.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Twin Tuesday!!!!!!

On September 9, 2014 it was twin day for homecoming week!!! Everyone got the chance to dress the exact same as somebody else. Some people wore the same shirt and some people wore the same exact outfit!!! You could definitely tell that there were twins in the school.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mopey Monday

On Monday September 8, 2014 we had our official mopey Monday for our homecoming week.The jr. and sr. high dressed up in their fancy pajamas. Some were cool, some were casual, and a lot were just plain out AWESOME! Everybody wore their jammies and had a day to relax. Even though we were at school, and had to learn.
Here is Sara Booher, Jamie, Haley,Emily Howell,Alexis Lyons,and Austin Cochrane

Here are Jenna Eltzroth, Juniper Tucker, and Ashlyn Smekens.

Alexis Ecklebarger

Haley Howell, and Kristen Roupp.

Raiders Pull Off The Come Back

The Southern Wells Raiders traveled to Clinton Central last weekend to take on the Bulldogs. The Bulldogs came out and scored two touchdowns early. The Raiders answered with a long pass from junior Bryce Bonewit to Brad Woodward that would set up a Raider touchdown by Daniel Beeks. As soon as the Raiders started to come back, the Bulldogs threw for a 65 yard touchdown that gave Clinton Central a 20-7 lead. After the touchdown a bad storm came in eventually leading to the game getting postponed until the next day. The good news about the storm was this gave the Raiders another day to get prepared for the Bulldogs. Saturday afternoon the game resumed and the Raiders came out very different than they did on Friday night. On the first play of the resumed game, senior Jake Roush ran the ball for a 65 yard touchdown. After that the Raiders kept rolling and at halftime the Raiders came back to take the lead 21-20. The second half was much the same for the Raiders as they continue to dominate the game. The Bulldogs had nothing on the Raiders on Saturday. The Raiders scored two more touchdowns to give the Raiders a final score of 33-20. The Raiders played great on offence and on defense as the Raiders scored 26 and held the Bulldogs to 0 on saturday. The Raiders hope to continue their impressive play as they take on Park Tudor next week for homecoming.

Stat Leaders

Bryce Bonewit- 41 yards

Jake Roush- 121 yards
Bryce Bonewit- 95 yard
Gavin Barcus- 68 

Brad Woodward- 24 yards
Gavin Barcus 17 yards

Daniel Beeks- 9
Landon Cassiday- 7 
Ethan Smith- 7

Friday, September 5, 2014

Homecoming Week

This Year's events for Homecoming Week will consist of the following events and activities:
            Mopey Monday
            Elem. Vs H.S. Softball Game
            Twinning Tuesday
            Wacky Wednesday
            Homecoming Activities
            Throwback Thursday
            Football Friday
            Jr./Sr. High Dance

     The Elem. vs H.S. Softball game will be this Monday at 6 pm, admission is $2, be sure to show up and cheer on your favorite teachers as they get out of the classroom and compete in a friendly competition. Homecoming activities will consist of some of your favorite things to do such as powder puff and Mountain Dew chug, tug of war, hydraulic lift and much more. Be sure to show up at the Football game Friday and show your school spirit. The homecoming winners will be announced at half time, along with the King and Queen. Be sure to dress up and give into positive peer pressure.

Southern Wells Blood Drive

Sponsored By the Student Council

Pictured to the left: Arriane Moore getting her Iron checked before her donation of blood. Pictured to the right: Dakota Clark in the process of donating blood to the Red Cross.

The blood drive was a huge success with a large number of students volunteering their blood and time to possibly save the life of someone else. Attending the blood drive was a lot of first time donors and a few second time donors. 

Here's an Interview with some donors-

Me- "How do you feel possibly being able to save someone's life?"
Dakota Clark- "It feels great"
Jacob Weldy- "Well, good until they prick you"

A special thanks to everyone who donated, and to the Southern Wells Student Council for coordinating the blood drive.